Sep 29, 2011
Florence begins a four-part series on incidents from the life of Moses. In this first message in the series, she looks at "Faith that Fears", showing how Moses, a man of faith, demonstrated five examples of fear when he encountered God at the burning bush. Tune in to this message and see how many of these you can...
Sep 29, 2011
This morning, Vijay draws some lessons from Jesus' encounter with the Royal Official in John 4:46-54. Many come to Jesus wanting to see his signs and miracles. To them 'seeing is believing'. But, Jesus' invitation to himself is something much greater than an invitation to meet a miracle worker. He wants them to believe...
Sep 27, 2011
Isaiah was privileged to have a glimpse of the King of Glory. But who is He? James concludes his series from Isaiah 6 by showing that the King of Glory is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sep 6, 2011
In this morning's service, Vijay looks at the subject of worship. He gleans insights about the nature of worship from Judah's dedication of the wall in Neh 12.27-47. Worship, he suggests, is full of gratitude, active and Scripture-led. A worshipful individual and community is marked with joy...