May 23, 2010
It's all in the mind - and to a large extent it is! In this, the third and final message in Florence's series, "Who Do You Think You Are?", she looks at the importance of the way we think and explores how a renewed mind leads to renewed thinking.
May 16, 2010
Continuing the theme of Christian Hope, Vijay looks at another great expectation. Unpacking Philippians 3.20-21, he observes that when Jesus Christ returns he will raise the bodies of the dead, reuniting soul and body. Jesus will give to those who have trusted him, bodies like his own glorious body. He points out that...
May 9, 2010
May 2, 2010
Vijay looks at the subject of 'Hope'. He looks specifically at the one event that seems to define Christian Hope, the Second Coming of Jesus. Basing his sermon on Phil 3.20-21, he notes that Jesus inaugurates the 'Last Days' and the Kingdom of God when he first came to earth. Since his ascension, Jesus now rules the...