Mar 29, 2021
Vijay concludes the series on Proverbs by emphasising that Wisdom and The Second Person of the Trinity are deeply connected. Christ Jesus was Wisdom Incarnate. Those who cling to Christ cling to the blessedness that Wisdom offers.
Mar 26, 2021
Dave continues the Wisdom series by looking at what Proverbs has to teach us about planning. Good planning, he says, seeks to line plans with God's purposes.
Mar 14, 2021
James continues the 'Wisdom for the way' series by looking at the issue of wealth and poverty
Mar 12, 2021
Not only is wisdom necessary for building healthy friendships, friendship itself can play an important role in helping us pursue wisdom in other areas of our lives.
Mar 3, 2021
Vijay continues the series on the Book of Proverbs by looking at why it's wise to be someone others can count on.