Oct 21, 2023
In this sermon by James McKenzie, he discusses forgiveness based on Matthew 18:21-35. He starts by sharing the parable of the unforgiving servant, highlighting how God forgives us completely. James then addresses common misconceptions about forgiveness, emphasizing that it doesn't mean excusing, doesn't always lead...
Oct 21, 2023
In this sermon by David Young, he delves into Matthew 18 and explores how Jesus responds to those who wander and sin. He emphasizes the importance of addressing sin within the church community and offers a model for confronting it with love and grace. Discover how Jesus pursues the wanderer and seeks their restoration...
Oct 8, 2023
In this sermon, speaker Vijay Pillai discusses the concept of greatness as defined by Jesus and contrasts it with societal notions of prominence and power. He emphasizes the importance of humility and warns against causing others to stumble in their faith. Pillai also highlights the need to deal with sin in our lives...
Oct 8, 2023
In this sermon by Cheri Young, we explore two key moments in Jesus's life. First, he predicts his own death to prepare his disciples for the future. Then, he demonstrates his identity as a king by addressing the issue of taxes. While Jesus has the authority to exempt himself, he chooses not to cause offense and pays the...
Oct 8, 2023
In this sermon by Vijay Pillai, we explore the theme of human helplessness and the need for faith in Christ Jesus. Pillai highlights how we often feel out of control due to various factors in life, such as illness, external forces, and even supernatural influences. He emphasizes that the only answer to...