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Sermons from Aberdeen Christian Fellowship

Welcome to the podcast download page for Aberdeen Christian Fellowship, an evangelical church, based on Union Grove in the West end of Aberdeen. We believe that God has an amazing plan for Aberdeen and He wants the local church to be part of it. We invite you to join us.

We meet each Sunday morning for worship at 10:30am, as well as having an evening service at 6:00pm on the third Sunday of each month. Additionally, we have a Bible study and prayer meeting each Tuesday evening from 7:00-8:00pm. We also have various events for young adults and children throughout the week. 

Jul 27, 2020

Many of us find it difficult to trust.  How, then, can we act on the biblical instruction to trust in the Lord with all our heart?  What is the role of our own understanding?  And how does knowing God help us to trust?  Join Florence as she considers these questions as she looks at Proverbs 3:5-6.

Jul 20, 2020

We often feel our weakness as we face difficulties in our Christian journey but God wants to strengthen us.  Psalm 84 talks of those who go from strength to strength.  How do we access the strength God wants to supply us with so that we're able to face and overcome the difficulties life throws at us?

Jul 14, 2020

At this morning service, we conclude the 3rd session of the Big Church Weekend. God transforms those he leads into the wilderness

Jul 14, 2020

In the second session of our Big Church Weekend, James looks at how God provides for those he leads into the wilderness. God's provision is sometimes surprising, but always sufficient for the circumstances we are in.

Jul 14, 2020

Florence Mackenzie kicks of our Big Church Weekend titled Bloom Where Nothing Grows. She looks at how God sometimes leads his people into the Wilderness. When we find in such a place, she reminds us not to be afraid. She gives several pointers on how we learn to wait, trusting that God will bring our time in...