Dec 18, 2012
Florence continues her series on the fruit of the Spirit, focusing on joy. She distinguishes between joy and happiness, showing that we can have joy because of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ; we can rejoice even when we face trials; and we can joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory. She...
Dec 3, 2012
In this sermon that concludes the series on Gideon (Living a Life that Matters), Vijay explains how a lukewarm commitment to Christ can sometimes be more dangerous than a heart that is closed to the Lord. He reminds us how a commitment to God has to be much more than saying the right things about God. Our deepest...
Nov 25, 2012
We all need good examples. The Apostle Andrew is a good example for us to follow. In this message James looks at incidents from Andrew’s life which encourage us as we seek to live as...
Nov 21, 2012
Nov 21, 2012
Vijay continues his series on Gideon, A Life that Matters. In this sermon based on Judges 6.9-7.22, he turns to the subject of confidence. Confidence he suggests is a balance between the extreme poles of fear and arrogance. On the one hand, we don't have to be crippled by our concerns that we aren't adequate to...